As data grows exponentially, analytics are becoming increasingly important, here Excel MVP & YouTuber David Benaim, contributor to Microsoft’s what’s new in Excel monthly blog will show you how to use PivotTables to build interactive dashboards which are updated from ever changing data. David will also cover how to use Excel’s built in AI feature Analyze data plus new charts worth knowing about such as map charts, Waterfall, box & whisker, Pareto charts and sparklines. This demo heavy session will have useful insights for anyone along the spectrum of experience, from those who have never seen PivotTables to those who are veteran to PivotTables. We will showcase the most recent tools including the brand new GROUPBY functions which replicate PivotTables using formulas, but even those using older versions of Excel will benefit from this session.
Most of us store data of various kinds, but very rarely analyze the data. This session will show how use Excel’s built in tools to analyze data and create concise charts from the data, and furthermore, how to make the charts interactive so users can click to select different date periods or regions and adjust the charts accordingly. We will also showcase how to ensure the data is stored so it can best be viewed in a dashboard. Even those familiar with PivotTables will learn some tips and tricks and other modern tools such as AI auto-analysis or the new GROUPBY and PIVOTBY functions which have certain capabilities which PivotTables do not.
- What makes a good dashboard
- Which chart for what
- Using charts inside cells
- Aggregations in Excel using PivotTables and GROUPBY
- PivotTables tips and tricks
- Adding interactivity with slicers and timelines
- Using Excel’s AI to tool auto-analyze data
- Understand how PivotTables work as well as their formula equivalents (GROUPBY and PIVOTBY)
- Learn which data visualisations work best in which context
- Create dashboards with interactive charts using slicers and timelines
- Identify how the source data should be set up for optimal use of analytics
- Learn built in AI features to help, such as Analyze data, Copilot and more
- Learn how to make charts inside cells with sparklines and data bars
- Understanding these tools is very useful for high level and middle management, but anyone needing to aggregate data will find it helpful. People working in sales, HR, marketing, finance or operations who work with data will find this useful, essentially anyone using Excel for 20 minutes or more per day on average.
Most of us store data of various kinds, but very rarely analyze the data. This session will show how use Excel’s built in tools to analyze data and create concise charts from the data, and furthermore, how to make the charts interactive so users can click to select different date periods or regions and adjust the charts accordingly. We will also showcase how to ensure the data is stored so it can best be viewed in a dashboard. Even those familiar with PivotTables will learn some tips and tricks and other modern tools such as AI auto-analysis or the new GROUPBY and PIVOTBY functions which have certain capabilities which PivotTables do not.
- What makes a good dashboard
- Which chart for what
- Using charts inside cells
- Aggregations in Excel using PivotTables and GROUPBY
- PivotTables tips and tricks
- Adding interactivity with slicers and timelines
- Using Excel’s AI to tool auto-analyze data
- Understand how PivotTables work as well as their formula equivalents (GROUPBY and PIVOTBY)
- Learn which data visualisations work best in which context
- Create dashboards with interactive charts using slicers and timelines
- Identify how the source data should be set up for optimal use of analytics
- Learn built in AI features to help, such as Analyze data, Copilot and more
- Learn how to make charts inside cells with sparklines and data bars
- Understanding these tools is very useful for high level and middle management, but anyone needing to aggregate data will find it helpful. People working in sales, HR, marketing, finance or operations who work with data will find this useful, essentially anyone using Excel for 20 minutes or more per day on average.