
Future Of Forecasting And Budgeting With Rolling Forecast

By: Carl Young
Recorded Session
75 Minutes
Training Level
Intermediate to Advanced

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Recorded Session


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Webinar Details

The current technology-driven turbulent business environment presents many challenges to business managers. One primary challenge is the ability to predict and plan for the unexpectedly unpredictable future. Changes are constant. Companies struggle to find ways to manage resources and find ways to thrive and survive in this turbulent business environment.
Traditional budgeting has been overtaken by these constantly changing events as is currently outdated and irrelevant for the following reasons:

  • Too time consuming
  • Based on assumptions that may not be valid
  • Focuses on past events, not future possibilities
  • Creates a “use it” or “lose it” mentality
  • Restricts creative thinking in resource management

Rolling forecasts are the wave of the future. They are rapidly replacing traditional budgeting. This webinar outlines the critical differences and advantages of rolling forecasts over traditional budgeting.  It challenges finance personnel to think outside the box and embrace the advantage of rolling forecasts.


  • Rolling Forecasts meaning and concept
  • Six-step Excel platform to convert to Rolling Forecasts
  • Two-step Excel platform to migrate forecasts to the budget system


  • Using key business drivers and cast to influence and impact the future
  • Why rolling forecasts are critical in today’s turbulent environment?
  • Definition of key business drivers as the basis for rolling forecasts
  • The relevance of cash as a key business driver
  • The core components of rolling forecasts
  • The use of technology
  • Simple techniques to make it happen.  From dashboards to driver-based forecasts
  • Simple samples and exercises to reinforce teaching points
  • Using “What If” analogies to validate forecasts
  • Benefits of rolling forecasts
  • Pitfalls to prevent
  • Selling the culture changes to make rolling forecasts acceptable


  • Why rolling forecasts are critical in today’s turbulent and constantly changing environment?
  • The five core components of rolling forecasts with simple explanations and exercises to reinforce the learning points
  • The use of key business drivers and cash to influence and impact the future
  • The role and use of technology in rolling forecasts
  • How to use “What If” analogies to validate rolling forecasts?
  • How to focus on future possibilities rather than past events to manage resources?
  • How to move from data-based budgeting to driver-passed forecasting as the foundation for resource allocation and utilization?


  • Business Managers/Owners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Financial/Business Analysts
  • CAO and CFO
  • Rolling Forecasts meaning and concept
  • Six-step Excel platform to convert to Rolling Forecasts
  • Two-step Excel platform to migrate forecasts to the budget system
  • Using key business drivers and cast to influence and impact the future
  • Why rolling forecasts are critical in today’s turbulent environment?
  • Definition of key business drivers as the basis for rolling forecasts
  • The relevance of cash as a key business driver
  • The core components of rolling forecasts
  • The use of technology
  • Simple techniques to make it happen.  From dashboards to driver-based forecasts
  • Simple samples and exercises to reinforce teaching points
  • Using “What If” analogies to validate forecasts
  • Benefits of rolling forecasts
  • Pitfalls to prevent
  • Selling the culture changes to make rolling forecasts acceptable
  • Why rolling forecasts are critical in today’s turbulent and constantly changing environment?
  • The five core components of rolling forecasts with simple explanations and exercises to reinforce the learning points
  • The use of key business drivers and cash to influence and impact the future
  • The role and use of technology in rolling forecasts
  • How to use “What If” analogies to validate rolling forecasts?
  • How to focus on future possibilities rather than past events to manage resources?
  • How to move from data-based budgeting to driver-passed forecasting as the foundation for resource allocation and utilization?
  • Business Managers/Owners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Financial/Business Analysts
  • CAO and CFO



Carl Young is an Author, Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, and Coach. He holds a MBA and completed graduate studies in Accounting and Taxation. He is a former CFO of a 275M, high growth technology based company. He has over 25 years of senior level business management experience. In addition, he has over 25 years of training experience in finance, accounting and business management. Former CEO of his own small parts manufacturing company as well as former Senior Financial Associate of major consulting firm. Carl is a member of the following organizations: American Society of Corporate Controllers, Council of Experts (investment firm Gersen & Lehrman), Society of Industry Leaders (sponsored by Standard & Poors), and the National Association of Accountants. An engaging and entertaining speaker and trainer who draws from his experience as a former CFO to make relevant teaching points. Sessions are rich in content, lively, full of energy and include plenty of audience interaction. He has branded himself as Mr. Simplicity! His goal is to make finance and accounting relevant to non-financial professionals using tools and techniques that are simple to understand and apply.

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