William Mack Copeland

William Mack Copeland
William Mack Copeland, MS, JD, PhD, LFACHE, practices health care law in Cincinnati at the firm of Copeland Law, LLC, where he is president and CEO. He is also president of Executive & Managerial Development Group, a consulting entity providing compliance and other fraud and abuse related services. A graduate of Northern Kentucky University Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Bill is a frequent author and speaker on health law topics. He is a member of the American Health Lawyers Association, American, Ohio and Cincinnati Bar Associations. A former hospital chief executive officer, he is a life fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives. He was awarded the American College of Health Care Executives Senior-Level Healthcare Executive Regent’s Award in 2007.
Live Webinar
Recorded Session
The Anti-Kickback Statute: Enforcement and Recent Updates
This webinar will focus on cases and enforcement actions taken by the HHS OIG and its law enforcement partners in 2024.
We will also briefly review the Anti-Kickback Statute ("AKS")…
Industry: Hospital and Healthcare Duration: 60 Minutes
Marketing to Medicare or Medicaid Beneficiaries - What You Can and Cannot Do
Because the Anti-Kickback Statute is so broad in what it proscribes, healthcare organizations, conducting what would be normal marketing activities in other industries, have run afoul of the Statu…
Industry: Hospital and Healthcare Duration: 60 Minutes
The Anti-Kickback Statute: 2023 - Year In Review
This webinar will focus on cases and enforcement actions taken by the HHS OIG and its law enforcement partners in 2023. We will also briefly review the Anti-Kickback Statute (“AKS”), d…
Industry: Hospital and Healthcare Duration: 60 Minutes
Anti-Kickback Fraud Stark And Marketing - Where Are The Landmines
This webinar will provide an in-depth understanding of the Federal False Claims Act, Federal Anti-Kickback, and Stark laws, and discuss how marketing activities can trigger either or both.
Industry: Hospital and Healthcare Duration: 60 Minutes